Version 1.3

Vortrag: The SpaceAPI, and Why Your Hackerspace Should Implement It

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A talk about the SpaceAPI

The SpaceAPI is a specification that can be used by hackerspaces, makerspaces and fablabs to expose machine readable information about themselves in a unified JSON based format.

We will introduce the SpaceAPI format, the ecosystem around it, and why we recently forked the project in order to revive it.

If you're interested in concrete implementations of the SpaceAPI, you should also attend our follow-up talk, "A Tale of Overengineering - How we Implemented the SpaceAPI in Rust".


Tag: 17.06.2017
Anfang: 11:15 Uhr
Dauer: 00:45
Raum: Lecture Room
Track: Software
Sprache: en



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